Thursday, December 8, 2011


I went to Dr. Turkle’s seminar over “The Effects of Technology on Self”. This seminar emphasized the how people are becoming emotionally and physically attached to their cell phones and other electronic devices. I can personal attest to this because I would not stray far from the comfort of my cell phone. Other electronics that I think are having this same affect on people and especially youth are video games. Instead of seeing young kids enjoy the summer days or even vacation their playing video games. The worse thing is people are no longer doing direct conversation they would rather text than call. This allows people to screen what is said. Emotions aren’t the same with all this technology. People don’t connect with their children and children don’t connect to their parents. Pretty soon the world will have more problems with connecting to what is known as humanity. I have to ask the question is the further advancement of technology god for society. We look to social networks to verify emotions that should only take the approval of one’s own continents. Ask are fellow people to verify our reactions to certain things in our personal live by liking a status. Face book, myspace and the future social network twitter are all the same in taking away from the time we use to spend thinking to our self.    

social media gossipand privacy

Mr. Daniel Solove spoke on social media such as face book and how privacy has been destroyed by social social media people cannot get away from their past because nothing is ever erased when it comes to the internet. Google searching could bring up things that people did in their earlier years. Solove also highlighted several examples of people who have been persecuted over the internet such as the star wars kid, dog pop girl and a very known woman Dr. Schlesinger. Naked photos that she had token for an ex were sold and published on the internet. When she tried to sue them she lost the case because the company had copyrighted the photo giving them legal rights over the photos. Later on the website sued another website because they posted the pictures on their site. This is so wrong because it just seems so inhuman it makes you think that the law is above what is right. Where is the world going? All the legal documentation shouldn’t be held above a person’s well being. While many people point the finger at the person that is in the photo I think we need to stop treating the law as if it shouldn’t make adjustment to situations the photos should be removed. The law doesn’t have feeling people do what happens when people are so embarrassed that they become depressed or began being taunted by others. People can kill themselves over things like this in fact they have. Their blood should  not be forgotten but put on the hands of what we call the judicial system. Oh wait what the government holds most precious is not the people they say they protect but its laws. Sad cold immoral world I would say. I am outraged that people have lost their since of humanity. A   

I was talking to my friend Brianna a fellow Texas Lutheran student  and she had mentioned a lot of thing to me about her stay so far at Texas Lutheran. One of the things that stuck out most to me was that she felt she had gotten less attention from  the opposite sex senses she had been her. While of course in my mind I usually would think this was a normal female insecurity but I couldn’t help but think the same way. Laugh out loud I know right. She was feeling this way because unlike high school and her home town no one talked to her. Which made her feel like she was unattractive.  I started think how many other young ladies where feeling like Brianna. So I began asking the girls I had became friends with at Texas Lutheran and the shocking thing was that not just a lot but most of them felt this way. Me being a man decided to ask more questions. The first question I asked was why don’t you approach the guy instead. And all of their answers were “the girl not suppose to come up to the boy”. I myself think the woman logic is so dam flawed. Excuse me for cursing. As a man when I see a girl I don’t come up to them every time because some girls just don’t look like they would be without a boyfriend. Women are the most complicated in thinking. I say this because it is obvious that if you want someone to talk to you then you have to first actually make it known that you want to be talked to. Personally I don’t want to deal with a girl that has a bad attitude when I simply approach them. Some girls don’t take qurdious courtship the right way. While I’m an advocate for silvery girls act like showing entrust will kill them.   

over done

For our Frex exam all the frex classes were given two essays to write before class. This to me was a waste of time. I don’t mean a waste like I didn’t appreciate what I learned from the handouts but this is finals week and I have more pressing matters. Texas Lutheran has again succeeded in overlooking the work load of their students. I am angry that the University doesn’t understand that adding more thing to be learned and tested over the week of finals is not only daunting but time consuming. This has happened in most of my classes and I think I should speak up. I’m not a part time student that has all the time in the world to study for two classes. I have a full schedule of six classes and adding thing at the last minute doesn’t help me with actually knowing the material. As a student I feel over whelmed with all the studying because unlike everyone else some of my finals are cumulative over several long chapters and the class doesn’t give you reviews. I’m not writing this to complain I’m writing this to point out a flaw that I think this institution is over looking. If my words fall on deaf ears then this university will be seen in my eye’s as one that doesn’t understand its work load on  students. The professors are not only teaching assignments the university wants them to do but also what they want the student to learn. This makes workloads nearly unbearable.

As I have been attending TLU I have learned so much. The IGG's that are talked about by TLU really did come in to play. I wonder if other colleges are as in tuned with the knowing, doing, and becoming concept. with every paper i have written this semester i have gained more knowledge about the world and education. I have also learned about the importance of ethics in a person, which seems to be disappearing in today’s youth. i know I’m not perfect but with the reinforcement of morals and ethics I know I can be true to who I should be. As i look back on this past semester i can truly say i learned about life and its responsibility to others. my Advisor Dr.Leavens taught passionately over the Frex information but went an extra mile to include other things that have instilled wisdom into anyone that cared to listen. His words never fell on def ears when it came to me. One of my favorite things that he quoted was "the unexamined life is not worth living". I would ask around to my fellow TLU students to see if they had learned as much in their Frex class but it was no shock they had not. He himself went the extra mile which meant a lot to me. With everything I have learned I can make smarter ethical dessions about my life and who i hang out with.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

sleep deprivation to get your work done

Oh where oh where does the time procrastination has brought me to towel the night away. i question my self ever time i have put off the work that is suppose to be do for weeks. my decisions are always coming back to get me but i seem to never learn a lesson. i pray to god that the procrastination stops. professor Barry has said it more than once that students that think they do better under pressure  often have never done work with out it. I'm afraid I might be one of those people. as i have went though some of the assignments my English professor gave me I've learned good studying habits and time management. this is because this is what we were required to write about. I think it was very smart way of getting freshman students adjusted into the school year. i also read an article titled "the art of resilience" which made me give a harder push in my efforts in college. it attributed a part of resilience to god which made a lot of sense to me. i say that because in order for you to keep striving for your dreams there has to be something greater than oneself.

8 week at TLU

While every one in college has family support it seems like i don't. That is perfectly fine with me where there is a will there is away i have to say. I have to come up with some way to make money in college because not having money isn't going to cut it. this is my 8 week at TLU but i still haven't figured out how the grades are. But i meat with my peer mentor to study for my midterm and I'm pretty sure i destroyed the test and i mean that in a good way.But it seems i have learned more then my friends that went to other schools. Their class they tell me have no individual time with the professor. it makes them seem like they are just a number. I wonder if that is the right kind of education. i feel that if you go to a school like that you can't really become educated to your full potential. many people don't have a desire to obtain knowledge and I think that would make those schools not so sufficient at educating their students.


I attended chapel on October 31 and learned about the Hispanic tradition dia de los muetos. that means the day of the dead in Spanish. unlike the American Halloween the day of the dead actually has meaning. I say that because Halloween to me isn't anything but a way for companies to make money; while the day of the dead is a time to remember our ancestors and pay tribute. I was quite moved by learning this new concept because my grand father on my little bothers side had just passed away. he really was a great man. he was on dialysis for several years but continued to preach at his church until one day in 2008 the church caught fire. he will always be remembered as a great man to me because he never lost his morals and showed no weakness not even on his death bed. i feel bad at times because i didn't go to his funeral. As for my little brother which was very close to him he handled his death well. I was surprised because he never spoke to me about how that made him feel.

Friday, November 11, 2011

my first lab report at tlu

     For my first lab report in college I was a little unprepared because of my schedule but because i toke ap bio i think I did fairly well. the assignment was for my lab partner and i to do but he was a slacker and lied his way out of doing it. That actually made me very upset that even though he didnt contribute he got the same grade as me, but I think only the weak complain so i just did the work. while he didnt do the work he lost the experience of doing the lab. 
   i made a few mistakes in this lab report because i didn't include enough research but in the next lab report i know where i can improve.

In today’s industrial world, companies are steadily making products that can harm ecosystems. In order to protect the ecosystems from the harmful off products scientist do experiments called bioassays. A bioassay distinguishes the amount of the (ED) that produce a certain effect.


            The bioassay lab tested the affects of acetone on the germination of mustard seeds in different concentrations. The seeds were measured for a week and the results were recorded day by day. The growths of the seeds were adequate in certain concentrations and the control, even though acetone is acidic. Acetone has a high evaporation rate, low viscosity,a miscibility with waterand is a good solvent like water. Because of acetones propertise acetone is used in many raw materials. If the solution isn’t too acidic then seeds might have potential to grow.


            For the experiment a fine-pointed marker, a paper cup, cotton balls, disposable pipet with bulb, forceps, four  micro centrifuges with caps, 8 mustard seeds and a metric ruler were used to gather the data in the bioassay lab.


            The cotton balls were first placed inside the paper cup. This was made to make a support system for the four micro centrifuges. The micro centrifuges were then labeled C for controlled group, 1for 100 hundred percent acetone, 0.1 and 0.01 for the concentration of acetone. A micro centrifuge was filled with ten drops of distilled water.  By using the pipet with the bulb measure ten drops of the acetone solution was then placed in the 1.0 micro centrifuge. Then nine drops of distilled H2O were placed in both 0.1&0.01 labeled micro centrifuges. From there one drop of the acetone solution was added using the same pipet. That micro centrifuge was closed and thumped at the bottom to make sure the solution was mixed. One drop of that solution was then added to the 0.01 micro centrifuge. Then four pieces of paper where cut to fit in the micro centrifuges with the cap closed and two mustard seeds were placed on top of the pieces of paper in each micro centrifuge. The micro centrifuges were then placed in the cup with the cotton balls and were dated and measured and recorded for seven days.


            The micro centrifuges that where labeled 1 and 0.1 showed no germination in the seven days of being observed. While the control group and 0.01 concentrated showed substantial germination and a surprising result. These results are shown on the Effects of Acetone on Germination of RCBR Seeds data sheet.

            The concentration of acetone can be a (LD) lethal dose at 100 percent of the acetone solution and 0.1. But a shocking result was gathered that the 0.01 concentration of acetone was able to outgrow the distilled water throughout the entire observation of the experiment. It makes one suggest that the solutions ph was at a more optimal level for germination of mustard further experimentation in this bioassay may prove this to have


I made progress on this second lab report. my professor gave me a higher grade but the grade isn't what I’m concerned about i like being able to create a master piece with all the assignments that are given to me. School is something like a painting to me, I might not get everything right but like any master piece it is the flaws that make it unique. So the flaws in this paper I look to I’m prove. The one thing that my professor mention was that I needed embedded quotes of research this is also the same problem I was having on some of my English paper. I spend most of my time doing papers like this now.  So on the next paper I believe I will knock it out of the park so here is my paper.
Osmotic concentration


            Water flows in and out of cells in an attempt to attain a state of equilibrium. The concentration of solutes to solvent in the cells environment is the cause of the water flow. Plant and animal cells can be negatively affected or positively affected due to the concentration balance in their environment. Potato cells were used to see the affects of sucrose in different concentrations. In some concentrations a weight change was seen in the potato.


            In the osmotic concentration lab potatoes were used to see the affects of different concentrations of sucrose on the weight of the potatoes. Solanum tubersum more commonly known as the potato is the fourth most important food crop in the world. It originates from South America and is now seen all over the world in different elevations and climates. The potato is not only seen as a vegetable but as an ant famine food because of its ability to grow in harsh environments and feed many people in third world nations. Potatoes are full sucrose used for energy storage in plants.  Sucrose is a carbohydrate or sugar found in food. It’s a combination of fructose and glucose two simple sugars, making it a disaccharide. Consumers break down sucrose a disaccharide into two monosaccharide, so they can be absorbed easier and quicker into the blood. Without being broken down sucrose is too large of a molecule to diffuse through semi permeable membrane and wouldn’t be able move in and out of cells affectively. Because potatoes have sucrose inside them a concentration gradient is present and if placed in any solution osmosis movement of water through semi permeable membranes would naturally occur. If the concentration of sucrose in the solutions is less than the concentration in the potato then the potato will gain mass and vice versa. In conducting this experiment sucrose concentrations can be used in the future to obtain a more productive potato regarding crops. Further experimentation would be needed to determine the effects.


Materials & Methods

            In the osmotic lab five 250ml beakers, a china marker, metric ruler, digital balance, paper towels, a knife and five bottles containing solutions 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35m of sucrose were used in the experiment.

            The china marker was used to label the five 250 ml beakers with the five different concentrations of sucrose 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35m. Then 100ml of each sucrose solutions were poured into their designated beaker. A knife was used to peel the potato and then the metric ruler was used to measure five 3cm cubes. The cubes were weighed on the digital balance to the nearest tenths of a gram. The weight of each potato cube was recorded on table 7-6 under initial weight. As each mass was taken the potato cubes were placed in the solutions of sucrose where the initial mass was recorded. After letting the potatoes soak in their designated sucrose solutions they were removed and blotted lightly with the paper towels. The potatoes where then measured on the digital balance and the changes in weight were recorded on table 7-6 under final. The change in weights if any was then calculated between each individual potato’s initial and final weight.


The initial weight of all five potatoes changed after soaking in the sucrose solutions. The potatoes in the .15M and .20M sucrose solutions experienced a positive gain in weight; while the .25M and .30M potatoes experienced a negative lose of mass.  The .15M potato gained .54g in weight and the .20M potato gained .12g in weight. The .25M potato lost .01 of its weight and the .30M lost .15g shown in the chart below. An unexpected result happened to the .35M potato, unlike the .25M&.30M potatoes, the .35M potato gained .66g of weight.

Solute Concentration in Potato Tuber Cell Table:

Percent changes
0.15 M
0.20 M
0.25 M
0.30 M
0.35 M


            The changing of weight of the potatoes shows evidence that different concentrations of sucrose has an affect over the flow of water in and out of tuber cells. The concentration of sucrose in potatoes could be between .20M & .25M because evidence shown in the table illustrates that the final weight of the potato remained considerably close to the initial weight between these two increments that were measured. Discovering the optimal amount of sucrose in potatoes could help increase the size and may help with the growth of the potatoes and other plants. The results of the .35M potato are contradicting to the rest of the experiment because of its negative correlation with the other results.

Works Cited

Freeman, Scott. Biological Science. San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2011. Print.

Kiple, Kenneth F, and Kriemhild Conee Ornelas. The Cambridge World of Food. Cambridge University Press, n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2011.

Perry, James W, David Morton, and Joy B Perry. Laboratory Manual for General Biology. Belmont CA: Brooks/‌Cole Cengage Learning, 2007. Print.

Reed, Jessica. “What is Sucrose.” N.p., 23 Oct. 2011. Web. 1 Nov. 2011


 with all the classes offered at TLU I have enjoyed theology the most professor beck teaches like no other person i have meet. instead of being focused on the grade like most people at this college I've been focusing on the learning. i can say i understand more about the bible.
this is a paper about the religious  language i wrote for professor  Beck.

Nature of Religious Language

Tillich explains that the language of faith shouldn’t be taken only in a literal sense. To understand what that means, you must first understand what the language of faith is. The language of faith is the use of myths and symbols in biblical and other religious content. One also has to know what myth and symbol mean and their function. Myths are symbols of faith combined in stories about divine human encounters. Symbols are used to open dimensions and elements of reality and elements to the soul. Criticism of myths would be inappropriate if it, would mean the removal of the myth but removal of the myth can never happen because they are forms of human consciousness. Because myths form man’s spiritual life they cannot be removed or replaced. They can only be said to be “broken” myths. The act of criticizing the myth to break it is demythologization and “the primitive mythological consciousness resists the attempt to interpret the myth of myth.” By breaking the myth it makes some people think that it loses its convincing power. The thought of resisting is because some are afraid of taking the Bible out of literal context. In thinking literally, symbols lose their ability to look beyond themselves into deeper concept. Literalism also deprives God of his intimacy by making him seem to act as a being acting in time and space, affecting the course of events and being affected by them.

There are two types of literalism the natural and the reactive. The natural type is when the literal can’t distinguish itself from mythical elements of religion. In criticizing myths people can open up their faith and learn. This brings people to the reactive stage of literalism when a person might use repression to stay in a state of literalism. It is important to read the Bible critically because some material in the Bible is contradicting and harmful. The text of the Bible has racist and sexist material, but this material shouldn’t be destroyed or token out, but repudiated. The Bible has been written by men who put their emphasis and opinion on certain content. Paul was contradicted in Timothy 2:11-15 by someone writing in his name by saying woman weren’t permitted to teach or preach the gospel. Without repudiating the material and viewing it critically, injustice will continue to happen by allowing this to be taught to others. The importance of reputing things is that we learn to read the Bible critically so that harmful material doesn’t keep harming people.

I myself on a continuum between literalism and totally critical analysis stand in more of the critical analysis side. This is because I understand that some things in the Bible can’t be taken only literally. While critically looking at some stories of the Bible, I can see that it is meant to teach you a deeper meaning than what is just put there to read. The Bible has messages for oppressed people that can only be understood if you were to look for the deeper meaning in the text.

frex assignment made me see something

            For my major assignment I spoke to Dr.Citzler because of my own personal interest. She was able to provide me with abroad range of information over the business degree plain at Texas Lutheran. She also was able to help me plan my schedule for the upcoming spring semester. Instead of focusing on major specific courses I should focus on the “Dimensions of Liberal Education” which are the 36 credit hour. The requirements in the 36 hours are broken into seven dimensions. Those dimensions are the Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences. Social Science, Cross Cultural Dimensions, Theology and Personal Well Being. If a student takes the time to properly plan their courses out they could fill some of the requirements of their major specific courses and obtain hours for the required 36 hours. In my meeting I realized that I could incorporate some of the activities I do in my regular life in the 36 hour requirement. Like Personal Well-Being hours can be my everyday work out and the Art hours would be the time in the day I draw. By having these courses would allow me to keep my interest and increase my own well being cognitively and physically. Dr.Citzler went on to tell me that most graduates that major in business usually go directly into the work force not graduate school. In order to give me an outlook on the career I would like to pursue Dr.Citzler informed me to visit a career website that would inform me of the characteristics of careers.

success in college

This for any one that is having a lot of trouble in college my English professor made use write a paper over what it takes to succeed in college; which I thought was a good way for her students to pick up on those tips I personally toke a lot from this assignment because I have been struggling to maintain in all of the confusion in the first semester of college. So first hand I know now that this essay would help people that are in the same shoes as me

Success in College

Some say college is the start of an adventure that has no comparison; I tend to agree with that. For some people it’s the first time they are free from their parent’s eagle eyes and dictatorial rule. Freedom! As some would say, freedom isn’t the only thing that comes with the college life style. College is the stepping stone into adult hold. I say this because it’s your responsibility to make the right decisions for your future. Many people that enter their freshman year of college very few graduate. This is because some people become over whelmed with the transition from high school to college. I know as a high school student you might say in your head I got this college stuff in the bag or you might say you don’t think you will make it. I’m here to tell you that both of these thoughts can work against you. Over confidence about the college world can make you blind to the fact that it takes proper preparation in every class; while not having confidence can make you lose the drive that’s motivates every student to make something of themselves. College is a true test of your mental and physical well-being and it will change how you think and what you think. In order to adapt and survive college a student has to develop certain characteristics. There are two categories for those characteristics that I believe can lead you to success in college. The first category comes from what I like to call the five p’s, proper preparation prevents poor presentation. The things that fall under the five p’s are time management studying habits and sleeping habits. These are things that can be changed for your schedule. The second category is the heart category. That may seem very cliché but it is true. There are certain things that can’t be taught like resilience and determination that will help you in college and in life.


One of the biggest differences between high school and college is time management. While you may think that you manage your time wisely in high school, it is really your teacher’s guiding you and reminding you when things are due. In college that changes drastically. The only thing that will remind you when an assignment is due is your syllabus. Sounds easy right? Wrong. In college it seems like you have all the time in the world which causes a lot of students to procrastinate. Oh that deadly word procrastination I always say. Procrastination really does kill but in high school I was able to get away with a lot of last minute late night studying and toiling hours of writing papers in the night to the early morning the day a paper was due.  Doing that last minute studying and writing will not work in college, what got you an A in high school will not suffice in college because the expectations of your work is considerably greater. That last minute paper that you think will sway your professor into giving your kudos won’t make the grade. I say this because the requirements that certain assignments take will be looked past when you procrastinate. Being able to manage your time is one of the biggest things in college especially if you are playing sports, want a social life and are serious about your life as a student.(10 Highly Effective Study Habits)

 Kelci Lynn Lucier writes eight strong steps for time management in college. She say using a calendar of any type will help in time management in her first step and goes on to say that having one place to right everything down is a key to organizing time. I myself have found that writing everything down with the due date next to it allows me to see what assignment I should do first. Her second step is to write down everything that you plan to do like doing your laundry or even calling your parents. If you do plan these out it would help you keep up  with those task that would take time out of your day and help you keep up with your family. In her third step she emphasizes that student’s schedule time for relaxation because even though your schedule has you working from early in the A.M to late in the P.M doesn’t mean you actually can. As a student tries to find what works for them they should try different types of calendar systems like PDA’s and color coding. I myself have moved from using my cell phone to just a simple pocket sized notebook to plan my day. Lucier states in her fifth step that a student should allow some room in their schedule because something’s are bound to come up in your social life that you wouldn’t want to miss out on. The sixth step Lucier speaks on is planning ahead. If there is a paper due a month from now plans backwards on your calendar from the due date of the assignment. That way it will give you a designated time frame to get certain parts of your paper done. The seventh step is to plan for the unexpected. If you put assignments off till the last minute the unexpected can happen like you getting sick or worse. In the eighth step take time after your hectic week and relax and enjoy your life. (8 Steps for Strong Time management)

When you’re in college it seems like sleep is an impossible thing to get, and if you do manage to get sleep you don’t want it to be in class. Every day you will learn something new in your classes but without adequate sleep the information that you professor is trying to drill in your head will just go in one ear and out the other. Not being able to retain the information of you classes will leave you at a major disadvantage, instead of reading ahead for your classes you would have to back track to learn what has already been said. The work that once seemed easy will begin to pile up and become a daunting task that you won’t want to do. Getting adequate sleep is also necessary to give your professor the right impression. If the professor sees you sleeping in class they could become offended or may think you don’t take college seriously. The last thing you want is to lose your credibility. “According to the National Sleep Foundation, although we think of sleep as a time of rest, research is revealing that sleep is a dynamic activity during which many processes vital to health and well-being take place.” So having good sleeping habits can save you a lot of trouble in the long run. (Sleep Does More Than Bring You Sweet Dreams the national states)

The game changer in college is one thing that may not be as important in high school but shows considerable in college is studying habits. Many students look at studying in the wrong way but John M. Grohol gives ten studying habits that will ease the pain that most students think about when it comes to studying. The first thing that Grohol mentions is the way a student approaches studying. By thinking positive and reminding yourself of your abilities you will avoid thinking catastrophically, which means thinking that you won’t ever be done or you don’t have enough time. The second point that Grohol makes is selecting a place to study that isn’t distracting and is quiet. When going to study bring the things you need, not things that would possibly distract you. Rewriting your notes is one thing that many people look over but is a useful tool in retaining information. Playing memory games (mnemonics) is a helpful way of studying witch is the fifth tip Grohol mentioned. Avoiding the cramming session by making a schedule to study will guarantee that you know the material for class and in the schedule take breaks to award yourself. With all the things that come with studying it is important that you remain balanced and keep time for yourself.

Things that can’t be taught

Studying habits, sleeping habits and time management are all things that a person can teach themselves, but college requires a lot more than just these things. College students come up against adversity all the time; to be able to concur the adversity of college a student must dig deep within themselves. When a professor doesn’t give you the grade you want your parents can’t complain to the school so most likely you will keep that grade. You can either fold which means give up or stand and prosper. Things aren’t always bound to go your way but having resilience can bring you out of the hole you or your professor put you in. Hara Estroff Marano says “Resilient people do not let adversity define them. They find resilience by moving towards a goal beyond themselves transcending pain and grief by perceiving bad times as a temporary state of affair.”(“The Art of Resilience”) Being a resilient person takes an ability to see what I like to call the “Bigger Picture”. The bigger picture is the expectations that you have for yourself in the future. This is a goal or your dreams of becoming a doctor, lawyer basically a career. In order to get to that bigger picture you must have determination. Determination is the act of coming to a decision with firm purpose.

While college is stressful it is also a fun and exciting experience, so when picking your college remember that it will be the first real decision of your individual life. Many college students will find out that their college choice doesn’t suit them for many reasons like culture shock or home sickness and will leave to another college. Incoming college students that take more time visiting and researching their college will avoid setbacks like this. The faster you can adapt to your surroundings the better off you will do in your classes and in your life.

Works Cited

Grohol, John M. “10 Highly Effective Study Habits.” N.p., 19 Mar. 2008. Web. 2 Nov. 2011.

Jones, Jane Scheier. “Zzzzzz Time: Sleep Does More Than Bring You Sweet Dreams.” N.p., 12 Sept. 2011. Web. 1 Nov. 2011.

Lucier, Kelci Lynn. “College Student Time Management- 8 College Student Time Management Skills.” N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.

Marano, Hara Estroff. “The Art of Resilience.” N.p., 10 June 2011. Web. 1 Nov. 2011.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Even though i am young i think that is the best time to find the person to be with. Even if that person isn't in the end that one special one you get to know what you actually want in a relationship. if you actually put alot into your relationship you gain the experience that one day you will use to treat you wife or husband will want. i say this because of my past experiences. i may be just out of high school but i was in a three year relationship and now im in a 6 month relationship. i am her first boyfriend so she really doesnt know that there is plenty of fish in the sea. while i chose to leave houston she was rewarded a scholarship to houston Baptist her graduating year. We both thought we would end the relationship when i left to college the following year but it didnt happen. as long as we want the relationship to last it will. many times she calls me and wishes to be beside me i am feeling the same. so when i visit my family she is on the make sure i see you list. im pretty sure the both of use are going to take alot from the relationship.

visiting home

when I thought about going home it didn't occur to me that things would have changed in just the short month i was gone. many of the friends i had in high school are in college just as i am and the ones that chose to stay would get a sudden dose of fake. i was told that college would reveal to me how people really are. instead of me taking it in a negative light i chose to look at it for the good. when i go home i will always remember what comes first and that is family; seeing the smile of my cousins face makes me see that family is really what counts. I'm not saying that everyone is pushed out the door, but i see reality and peoples true colors. one can only think about whats next to come. are the people in college really the friends you will have for the rest of your life. If so then i think ill do fine because i seem to be meeting so genuine people here at tlu. im proud to be a bulldog and i think im going to enjoy my stay. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My stay at my first year college has been good so far I have meet alot of new people that come from every where. It makes me think about what experinces every one has come from. So many people come from small towns and only had one hundred people or less in there graduating class. I came from houston and my high school graduated the largest class in its history. Being a football player i had to leave early for fall camp so most of the students have only been up here for a week but the football players are approuching  a month. I laugh at most of them because they say they can't go a mounth with out seeing a woman. i can't say I havent felt the effects of missing my girl friend ethier but some of thier hormones are way out of control lol.
  My classes have proven to be very enjoyable the proffessors know what they are doing. The home work seems to be exhausting with my busy schedule. football takes up my time from 2:30 to 6:00 so really i have been thinking about establishing my gpa my freashman year instead of playing. In the end its only about my decision and i think that is the smartest thing for me to do. I really want to attack the school year and get after it even with out all my books i have been able to zrox the text books i haven't bought yet. where there is a will there is away i always say. I'm happy I choose to come to texas lutheran because i feel i can be successfull. This school is one of the best for business and that is my major