Friday, November 11, 2011

my first lab report at tlu

     For my first lab report in college I was a little unprepared because of my schedule but because i toke ap bio i think I did fairly well. the assignment was for my lab partner and i to do but he was a slacker and lied his way out of doing it. That actually made me very upset that even though he didnt contribute he got the same grade as me, but I think only the weak complain so i just did the work. while he didnt do the work he lost the experience of doing the lab. 
   i made a few mistakes in this lab report because i didn't include enough research but in the next lab report i know where i can improve.

In today’s industrial world, companies are steadily making products that can harm ecosystems. In order to protect the ecosystems from the harmful off products scientist do experiments called bioassays. A bioassay distinguishes the amount of the (ED) that produce a certain effect.


            The bioassay lab tested the affects of acetone on the germination of mustard seeds in different concentrations. The seeds were measured for a week and the results were recorded day by day. The growths of the seeds were adequate in certain concentrations and the control, even though acetone is acidic. Acetone has a high evaporation rate, low viscosity,a miscibility with waterand is a good solvent like water. Because of acetones propertise acetone is used in many raw materials. If the solution isn’t too acidic then seeds might have potential to grow.


            For the experiment a fine-pointed marker, a paper cup, cotton balls, disposable pipet with bulb, forceps, four  micro centrifuges with caps, 8 mustard seeds and a metric ruler were used to gather the data in the bioassay lab.


            The cotton balls were first placed inside the paper cup. This was made to make a support system for the four micro centrifuges. The micro centrifuges were then labeled C for controlled group, 1for 100 hundred percent acetone, 0.1 and 0.01 for the concentration of acetone. A micro centrifuge was filled with ten drops of distilled water.  By using the pipet with the bulb measure ten drops of the acetone solution was then placed in the 1.0 micro centrifuge. Then nine drops of distilled H2O were placed in both 0.1&0.01 labeled micro centrifuges. From there one drop of the acetone solution was added using the same pipet. That micro centrifuge was closed and thumped at the bottom to make sure the solution was mixed. One drop of that solution was then added to the 0.01 micro centrifuge. Then four pieces of paper where cut to fit in the micro centrifuges with the cap closed and two mustard seeds were placed on top of the pieces of paper in each micro centrifuge. The micro centrifuges were then placed in the cup with the cotton balls and were dated and measured and recorded for seven days.


            The micro centrifuges that where labeled 1 and 0.1 showed no germination in the seven days of being observed. While the control group and 0.01 concentrated showed substantial germination and a surprising result. These results are shown on the Effects of Acetone on Germination of RCBR Seeds data sheet.

            The concentration of acetone can be a (LD) lethal dose at 100 percent of the acetone solution and 0.1. But a shocking result was gathered that the 0.01 concentration of acetone was able to outgrow the distilled water throughout the entire observation of the experiment. It makes one suggest that the solutions ph was at a more optimal level for germination of mustard further experimentation in this bioassay may prove this to have

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